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Embedding a YouTube Video on WordPress 3.1+

Embedding a video in WordPress 3.1 and later versions is even easier than before. Follow these easy steps to display your video on your website.

NOTE: for older versions of WordPress (up to version 3) please see this article on how to embed a YouTube video on your website using WordPress 3.0 and lower

Step 1: Open your Web Page

  1. Log into the admin area of your website.
  2. Go to Pages or Posts and find the article where you would like to display your video. Click on the title of the article or the Edit link so that you are in edit mode for the page.
  3. Click your cursor on the spot on the page where you would like to add your video.
  4. Now you’re all set – let’s go and get the video link from YouTube.

Step 2: Get your Video Link

  1. Open a new browser window or tab.
  2. Go to YouTube.com and find the video you would like to display on your website.
  3. Directly under the video you will see these buttonsyoutube button bar
  4. Click on the Share button.
  5. This opens up a box with some options to link to the video, embed, email, share on Facebook, Bebo, Google+, etc. We want to display the video on our website so we’re going to choose the Link to this video: option.

    Video share options

    Copy the highlighted link

  6. Right click on the highlighed link and choose Copy. In this case my video link is http://youtu.be/I-a29LOMDTY

Step 3: Add the Video Link to your Page

  1. View the browser window / tab where your website and article is open in Edit mode.
  2. Make sure your cursor is clicked where you want to display the video.
  3. Paste the YouTube video link on the page (this is the link that we copied earlier in Step 2)
  4. That’s it! WordPress does the rest 🙂

Just a couple of things to note…

Your link must be on a line of it’s own.

For example:




Watch my video here http://youtu.be/I-a29LOMDTY

Your video link must not have a hyperlink on it

For example:





About Orla Duncan

Orla is a director at Cookie Web Consulting. She specialises in web development and project managment and you can find out more about her here: http://cookieweb.ie/about-us/


  1. Embedding a YouTube Video on your Webpage | Web Tweaks - September 28, 2011

    […] Note: this method works up to WordPress version 3, from version 3.1 onwards the way to embed a YouTube video changed – please see this article for a guide on how to embed a YouTube video using WordPress 3.1+ […]