Some good info on getting your Facebook page looking tip top from updating your About tab, profile pics and when and what to post: read all about it – Tips for your Facebook Page If you have any questions please do post comments below!

Embedding a YouTube Video on WordPress 3.1+
Embedding a video in WordPress 3.1 and later versions is even easier than before. Follow these easy steps to display your video on your website. NOTE: for older versions of WordPress (up to version 3) please see this article on how to embed a YouTube video on your website using WordPress 3.0 and lower Step […]
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Using Webmail in Firefox 4+
If you have recently upgraded your version of Firefox you may have noticed that you can no longer access your email using Webmail. Luckily it’s a nice simple process to fix this issue – check out this article on the Blacknight website on how to fix the Remote XUL error in FireFox 4 Thanks Blacknight!
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How to Add an Admin to your Facebook Page
It’s good to share the load when managing your online presence. And when it comes to Facebook things are no different, if there are a few people involved in your business or organisation then you can have multiple administrators of your business page. Adding an Administrator by their Email Address Important – your new admin […]
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How To Create a Facebook Page For Your Business
In this article we will cover: Creating a Facebook Page for your Business / Organisation Adding your logo and basic information to the Page Getting Started Log into your personal Facebook page At the bottom of your personal Facebook page there will be several links. When you find these links you will want to click […]
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How to Resize Images for your Website
Digital cameras these days come with such high specs that your photos are likely too large to insert on the pages of your website. When displaying images to your website, we recommend they are approx. 800 x 600 pixels Why are smaller images better for the web? they load quickly – large images have large […]
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Configuring your Email in Outlook 2007
In this article we will show you step by step instructions on how to configure your email in Outlook 2007. If you have any questions or if you would like to add any additional comments to this article, please enter them in the comments section at the bottom of this page. Open Outlook 2007 Go […]
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Video: Embedding a YouTube on WordPress
This step by step video tutorial shows you how easy it is to embed a YouTube video into a page on your WordPress website. As always if you have any questions or comments please use the comment form below 🙂 Note: this method works up to WordPress version 3, from version 3.1 onwards the way […]
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Video: Adding & Updating Image Galleries
We’ve created a video tutorial to show you step by step how to add to and update your image galleries on your WordPress website. We use the NextGen WordPress plugin to add feature rich galleries to our Cookie Web websites – it’s an excellent plugin and quite easy to use. Check out the following YouTube […]
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Configuring your email when using 3 Broadband
If you use 3 Network’s broadband be careful with your Outlook email settings (and other email applications I assume). I was recently configuring Outlook to send and receive email on a laptop using 3 mobile broadband. The emails were downloading into the Inbox with no issue, however I could not send any emails using […]